
Passively engaging with social movements online generates what Fred Clark coined in 1995 as Slacktivism. This form of activism that isn’t backed by political change creates a comfortable space for people to feel like they are part of a movement by just sharing a tweet or reposting a story, leaving most of the hard work of engaging politically, to a small group of individuals.

Another concern is that if you share certain views, the odds of your followers sharing the same views is quite high. This means that while we might feel accomplished by sharing a post, we are still limiting the conversation to our own echo chambers and not reaching out to influence other people or more importantly, learning from other circles.
The strength of a good campaign relies on how we balance both our online presence and on ground work.

Excerpts from https://eco-age.com/magazine/why-social-media-campaigning-alone-is-not-enough/


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