
The carnival in the southern Indian state of Goa is one of the most fun weekends looked forward to by locals and tourists alike. The tradition of carnival spread across the world because of European colonialism. In India it is celebrated with much pomp and show in the state of Goa, which inherited Christianity from the 400 year rule of the Portuguese.

Everybody celebrates carnival in Goa, not only the Christians. This weekend of revelry has shed all its religious undertones to become a cultural highlight of the state celebrated by all creeds. The festival begins with when the King of Chaos- King Momo declares the festivities open and ‘orders; his subjects to have fun. The position of King Momo is given to different famous people every year. Thus begins a whole variety of attractions all across Panjim, the state capital, and even in villages all across Goa.

On the morning of the festival there is a huge carnival where people parade through the main street in Panjim. Floats depicting the cultural beauty of the state are driven through the street followed by performers in colourful costumes dancing to the beat of drums and tunes. Another important parade during the carnival is the red and black parade where only people dressed in those two colours are allowed to march in the parade.

There is a three-day non-stop party throughout the state where musicians give live performances on almost every street corner, and restaurants are open for longer throughout. Actors give performances of street plays and by-standers are invited to take part in all aspects of fun.

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