
Need help with an issue close to your heart?
These Individuals, Organizations, and Businesses are here to help us make Goa more sustainable.

Donald Fernandes

Food Bank for the Poor
Work Phone: 8380097564 Work Phone: 7720009108 Website: https://foodbanksangolda.wixsite.com/streetprovidence


Photo of Donald Fernandes

Free food for the people on street and also rehabilitate the alcoholic and drug addict both male and female.

We pick up homeless men & woman they see on the street, give them a shave, a haircut, a bath, warm food and rudimentary medical treatment and rehabilitate them.
The work we do:
1. Food Bank Fridges Across Goa
2. Water Tap – 1000 ltrs a day
3. Ration for HIV infected families in Goa monthly
4.. Homes for homeless street men
5. Homes for homeless street woman
6. Homes for homeless HIV street men
7. Homes for widows
8. Clothes Bank
9. Medicine Bank
10. Bank for second hand house hold items
11. Ambulance service


A listing of organizations and active citizens working for a sustainable future for Goa

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