
#DownToEarth is a volunteership campaign initiated by Mr. Gaurav Pokle and supported by Yimby. Aiming to create awareness as well as educate the public, waste generators, stakeholders on waste management related topics such as Waste reduction, Segregation, Composting, Recycling, Draft rules on waste management, and also a community platform that initiates to educate, participate & involve citizens in Cleanup drives, workshops, school educational program etc.


1. What is the mission of #DownToEarth? When were you established?
Though educating waste generators, public and organising cleanup drives started way back in year 2013 for Gaurav Pokle, only in January 2020 it was decided to make it a community event and to run it like a campaign under the banner #DownToEarth
The Mission is to build consciousness among people about their Waste Footprint and to make them re-think on their actions and its impact on the environment. It also aims to build a sustainable environment by bridging the gap between waste generator and recyclers making citizens understand that waste isn’t a waste if channelized properly is a resource of energy.
2. What type of initiatives and projects does #DownToEarth take up on and support?
Clean up Drives, Awareness on waste management, waste reduction, waste minimization, waste recycling.
Promoting recyclable / up cycled, alternative products to single use plastic or other non-recyclable materials.
Organizing workshops on composting, School education and capacity building for waste pickers etc.
3. What were some of the difficulties you faced while trying to do this work?
So far we have been blessed with no obstacles or difficulties in organising events but the biggest disappointment is lack of participation, citizens attitude towards waste and on ground presence of environment protectors is lacking consistency.
4. What were the new learning’s for the members of #DownToEarth?
The realization of the impact on the environment we have caused by our irresponsible behaviour/Act. We have also seen so many cleanup drives group/Solo been conducted independently by some of our volunteers and other individuals.
5. What was the most rewarding part of this experience?
We have never been let down by some of our followers / volunteers. For every Drive announced we have been receiving an average good response and repeated volunteers. Seeing their happy faces and the appreciation message is the ultimate reward.
6. What do you hope will be the biggest lesson in all of this for the public and everybody that hears of the work taken up by# DownToEarth?
What will you do when you find your surroundings full of filth? Wait for the civic authorities to come and clean that, probably yes. Most of us would be sitting at home complaining about things and would never try to do something on our own. The Lesson here for public is to be a part of the solution and not to add more problems. Every decision needs a start and we are here to give you that start for a better, cleaner and healthier tomorrow.
Cleanliness also ensures a healthy mind and physique. It is not the responsibility of only one person rather it is the duty of every countrymen.
7. What is your plan moving forward?
Our current plan is have similar drives and continue this campaign in different parts of Goa. To have conscious volunteers who would not only join but also initiate independent drives. We would also get into training individuals as operators and waste recyclers and so that they could have some income from the most unorganised sector.
8. What type of support do you need, if any to continue the work you are doing on ground?
It would be nice if many more individuals/self-help groups come in support of our mission-By volunteering. Taking initiatives with not only clean-ups but also conducting workshops and capacity building in every village and city of Goa. Also so far we have received support from individuals and business groups with regards to Reusable gloves, Bags, Rungs etc. a continued support will encourage us in carrying out more events.
Bhodgeshwar Jatra
Morjim beach
Miramar beach
Dandi beach

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